Daggz, POWER
This piece was commissioned by Ryan Daggs for his musical release called POWER. Ryan was looking for an illustration that embodied a vision of an all powerful entity that rules over lesser beings. For this visual I culled various symbology to incorporate into the message. Note the positioning of both hands, fingers and deity-like head pose. Bright but slightly tarnished gold with beams of light from within. The halo bigger and bolder than any other creating a distraction while your pockets are emptied.
“In Occult tradition, all the worlds religion’s derived from the same ancient source. The secret societies provide an alternative version of spirituality to their followers, and it is, power.”
Listen now https://soundcloud.com/daggz/sets/power
Follow Ryan on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/daggz/
Read about the premier of POWER https://fuxwithit.com/2020/08/10/premiere-daggz-loj-power/#prettyPhoto
Purchase the music and support Daggz https://fanlink.to/dtyn